I don't think I can give this a full review. Seriously, I'm reading this comic and I'm almost fucking speechless. It's art. Not just art. No, more like.... Just.... WOW.
I turned to this comic this week in my continuing crusade to get into DC. I'm now laying on my floor (it's comfy shut up) wondering in what way I can express how great Rucka and Williams III's first issue of this new Detective Comics run is. It's got some great storytelling off the bat (ahaha a pun.... oh now I'm ashamed) and art that not only complements it, but BLOWS ANYTHING ELSE OUT OF THE WATER. Seriously there's an open panel about halfway through the comic that just made me stop and stare for about five minutes. It's THAT good. The image in question is the one where Kate's hair is like dripping paint with her formerly tortured self in the foreground in case you're wondering. If you don't read this you should be incarcerated at some sort of comic reading correction facility due to a negligence to genius. Yes I'm overreacting but fuck it I love this comic.
I won't spoil much simply in the hope that my lack of information on the contents of the comic piques your curiosity something strong and you go out and buy it. Which you should. Now.
Oh yeah, almost forget to mention the back-up Question story. It's not AS good, but being Renee Montoya you're guaranteed an awesome comic all the same. With a groovy haircut on Renee as The Question too. But that's just sad of me to point that out.
All of this just might be comic perfection. If it is there's no point to me reviewing anything else ever again. 10 posts on this blog and my opinions are all meaningless in comparison to how good this comic is. Perhaps I should just abandon reading it ever again to stop me becoming obsessed with the series.
After all, I still have Van Lente. Who just.... isn't as good now I've read this. Fuck. Fuck in bold and a large typeset. In Orange.
(okay okay, just buy it and read it. You need this)
Bonus: the page of art that stumped me with beauty

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